Crowdsource your data collection in real-time

Goloka connects you with reality on the ground. Track and transmit offline data collected by thousands of community agents

Your data is safe and never used for commercial purposes

Get Actionable Insights

How it works

Find out everything you need to know for planning your business processes. Monitor projects remotely.

Sign Up

Take a few minutes to sign up. It's totally free!

Create a Task

Create a task with detailed instructions.

Accept Completed Task

Review and accept completed task.


Authorise payments for accepted task.

Become an Agent

How it works

Get paid to make an impact. Earn money from the comfort of your home or on the go - whenever and wherever you like.

SIgn Up

Take a few minutes to sign up. It's totally free!

Select a Task

Select a task from the available tasks on the platform.

Complete Task

Carefully read the instructions and complete the task.

Get Paid

Withdraw your earnings with one of our fast and secure methods.